First problem that we faced is that, there were lot of national groups in this tribe. So the question that they were belonging to one national group was not actual. Cause Kolzhas was Hazarian and Aziz from another nationality, but we do not very sure.
There were lot of tribes which were bounded by similar nationality, culture and e.t.c.
But why “Last Ethnic nomads”?
Here we go to ancient times. Times of the Mongols invasion and before.
IX centuries there in modern territories of Kazakhstan there were people which called Kipchaks.
In 1223 years Those Kipchaks who lived in Caucasian mountains were defeated by Mongolian leaders Subetai and Dzhebe. In 1237 years Batyi, conquered eastern and south part of Russia, and defeated Kipchaks.According to arab historian Ruknaddin, success of Mongolian hordes in their victories were the fact that Kipchaks were in conflict. One part of Kipchaks goes to west another part become under Mongols. Prisoners of war were bought by Venetian traders, which sold them to Egypt. Time past and Kipchaks becoming more and more in Egypt, so Local Authorities made army from them. They were called as mamelukes. In 1259 mameluks, Killed sultan and put their own sultan Ibaka.
Before Mongols come the various and numerous nation were kipchaks, that's why Russians called Golden horde Kipchaks horde. After death of Abulhair Kirgiz and Nogais attacked his Ulus. In this time Kipchaks become sparated. One part stayed with Abulhair’s sons and other goes with Kirgiz and Nogai’s.
In this times Kirgiz Kipchaks do not play any role. In Kazan and Crimea Kipchaks were authority class.
What about Uzbek Kipchaks, in Kokand haganate they played main role. Most rulers were kipchaks.
So Kipchaks are native nation of Central Asia, then Mongols came but Kipchaks were dominating. Whole Empire of Chingiz Khan form from various nations.
What we have now is Turkic tribes which lost connections with their background. Most of them mixed with Iranian and Arab culture in south. Changed their religion and language.
Some less populated regions are still have memories from the Turkic Kipchak culture.
And this Regions are populated with tribes which still resist to majority.
And here we decide that “Last ethnic nomads” are those who came from Kipchak culture.
People who used to live as they lived ancient times, and trying to resist.